كيفية علاج التهاب الاذن الوسطى بالاعشاب المختلفة

علاج التهاب الاذن الوسطى بالاعشابالتهاب الأذن الوسطى مشكلة مزعجة ومؤلمة، ويمكن أن تؤثر على النشاطات اليومية العاديه، وفي الغالب عند الشعور بألم في الأذن يتم تجربة بعض العلاجات المنزلية والأعشاب التي كثيرًا ما تكون فعّالة في تخفيف الألم والمساهمة في علاج المشكلة، تابع المقال التالي لمعرفة كيفية علاج التهاب الاذن الوسطى بالاعشاب المختلفة.


ما هو التهاب الأذن الوسطى ؟

التهاب الأذن الوسطى هو التهاب في الأذن الوسطى أو المنطقة الموجودة داخل طبلة الأذن، ويبدأ هذا الالتهاب عادة بالعدوى التي تسبب التهاب الحلق، أو نزلات البرد أو المشاكل التنفسية الأخرى، وينتشر إلى الأذن الوسطى، ويمكن أن تسبب العدوى فيروسات أو بكتيريا، ويمكن أن تكون حادة أو مزمنة، ويمكن أن تصاب كلا الأذنين في نفس الوقت، ويمكن أن يكون الالتهاب حاد أو مزمن.

علاج التهاب الاذن الوسطى بالاعشاب

استخدمت الأعشاب وزيوتها الأساسية لعلاج عدوى الأذن منذ آلاف السنين، حيث أن هذه المواد القوية لها خصائص مطهرة، ومضادة للفيروسات، ومضاد للالتهابات، ومسكنة، لذا تكون فعّالة في علاج التهاب الاذن الوسطى، ومنها:


أعشاب مختلفة لعلاج التهاب الأذن


الثوم هو علاج مضاد للبكتيريا يستخدم بشكل شائع في علاج عدوى الأذن، ويمكن صنع زيت الثوم في المنزل عن طريق نقع قطعة من الثوم في زيت الزيتون أو يمكن شراؤه من المتاجر، ولكن مع ضرورة استشارة الطبيب.

القنفذية وعشب خاتم الذهب

القنفذية Echinacea، وخاتم الذهب goldenseal هما أعشاب شعبية تهدف إلى تطهير النظم الداخلية للجسم ومنع التهابات الأذن، ويمكن خلطها مع الماء المغلي وشرب الخليط ببطء.


زيت الأوريجانو

يعد زيت الأوريجانو علاج ممتاز لالتهابات الأذن بسبب خصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا، والمضادة للفيروسات، كما يمكنه تعزيز نظام المناعة وأيضا تخفيف الالتهاب في المسالك التنفسية وقناة الأذن، ولكن لا تضع هذا الزيت مباشرة في قناة الأذن، قم بتخفيفه أولاً ببضع قطرات من الزيت الحامل مثل زيت جوز الهند، ثم ضعه موضعياً على الأذن الخارجية، ولكن بعد استشارة الطبيب.

زيت الروزماري

يعد زيت إكليل الجبل أحد أكثر الزيوت الأساسية إستخدامًا في علاج عدوى الأذن، حيث يمكن أن يقضي بسرعة أي عدوى بكتيرية قد تسبب ألم في الأذن الوسطى، ويمكنه أن يساعد أيضًا على تلطيف العدوى الأولية بالجيوب الأنفية، وغالباً ما يخلط زيت الروز ماري مع زيت اللافندر أو الكافور، ويتم تطبيقه على الحلق والرقبة، بالإضافة إلى أعلى وتحت الأذنين، حيث يتم امتصاص هذا الزيت بسرعة ويبدأ في تخفيف الالتهاب في تلك المناطق.

زيت شجرة الشاي

زيت شجرة الشاي واحد من أكثر الزيوت المضادة للبكتيريا، والفيروسات، والفطريات في السوق، مما يجعله فعّال للغاية لعلاج التهابات الأذن، فمنذ آلاف السنين، تم استخدام هذا الزيت لعلاج الالتهابات بجميع أنواعها، بما في ذلك الأذن الداخلية.


لا يوصى أبدًا باستخدام زيت شجرة الشاي داخليًا، حيث أنه يمكن أن يكون سامًا، كما يؤدي أيضًا إلى التهاب قناة الأذن، ويمكن تخفيف بعض زيت شجرة الشاي في زيت الزيتون ثم وضعه في كرة قطنية وتطبيقها على الأذن الخارجية مع الاحتفاظ بها فوق قناة الأذن.

وفي النهاية وبعد معرفتك كيفية علاج التهاب الاذن الوسطى بالاعشاب المختلفة، إذا كان لديك المزيد من التساؤلات أو الاستفسارات، يمكنك استشارة أحد أطبائنا من هنا.

هل كان هذا المحتوى مفيدا؟

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تاريخ النشر: تاريخ التحديث:
  • organicfacts - Echinacea and Goldenseal (04/06/2020) https://www.organicfacts.net/ear-infection.html#echinacea-and-goldenseal
  • mayoclinic - Ear infection (middle ear) (04/06/2020) https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ear-infections/symptoms-causes/syc-20351616
  • organicfacts - 9 Proven Essential Oils For Ear Infection (04/06/2020) https://www.organicfacts.net/essential-oils-ear-infection.html
  • medicinenet - Ear infections are not contagious. However, many children develop infections following a cold or other viral infection, and those infections are contagious. From WebMD Logo Healthy Resources Top Causes of Hearing Loss Are Generics Just As Good? What Causes Ear Infections? Featured Centers Good and Bad Foods for Psoriasis Health Solutions From Our Sponsors The Science of Addiction Is It Normal to Have a Curved Penis? Which specialties of doctors treat middle ear infections? The majority of children and adults are diagnosed and treated by either pediatricians, primary health care doctors, emergency or urgent care medical providers, or other health care professionals. Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists may be consulted for some individuals. On rare occasions, a neurologist or neurosurgeon may be needed to treat a severe infection that may extend to other organ systems. How is acute middle ear infection diagnosed? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) have determined the criteria needed to diagnose acute otitis media (AOM), acute onset, middle ear effusion (MEE), and middle ear inflammation. The new guidelines describe this as "moderate to severe bulging of the tympanic membrane (ear drum) or new onset of otorrhea (ear drainage) not due to external otitis (inflammation of the ear canal) or mild bulging of the ear drum, and recent ear pain (holding, tugging, rubbing ear in a nonverbal child) or intense reddening of the ear drum." The guideline also strongly recommends that clinicians should not diagnose AOM without the presence of MEE. Recurrent acute otitis media is defined as at least three well-documented and separate acute otitis media episodes in 6 months or four well-documented and separate AOM episodes in the past 12 months with at least one in the past 6 months. There is no definitive lab test for acute otitis media. Identification of the three criteria is dependent on clinical observation; middle ear effusion and middle ear inflammation are the most difficult to observe and as a consequence there are studies that suggest acute otitis media is overdiagnosed. One method that helps determine acute otitis media versus otitis media with effusion is pneumatic otoscopy (the normal eardrum moves readily with pressure changes) and the appearance of the tympanic membrane (acute otitis media has abnormal appearance; otitis media with effusion does not). However, not everyone is skilled at this technique; pediatricians, family practice physicians, ENT specialists, and ER doctors who work in pediatric ER's are likely to be skilled in the diagnostic procedure. QUESTION What is hearing loss? See Answer How is acute middle ear infection or inflammation treated? Readers Comments 11 Share Your Story The treatment for acute otitis media varies depending upon the age and symptoms of the child. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recommend the following: AAP and AAFP Recommendations 2013 Age Certain Diagnosis (Otorrhea with AOM or Unilateral or Bilateral AOM with Severe Symptoms) Certain Diagnosis (Bilateral AOM without Otorrhea) Uncertain Diagnosis (Unilateral AOM without Otorrhea) 6 months-23 months Antibiotics Antibiotics if severe illness; *Observation without antibiotics if non-severe illness > 2 years Antibiotics Antibiotics if severe illness; *Observation if non-severe illness Antibiotics if severe illness; *Observation without if non-severe illness *Observation is an appropriate option only when follow-up can be ensured and antibacterial agents can be started if symptoms persist or worsen within 2-3 days. The guidelines also recommend "shared decision making" with the caregiver. Non-severe illness is represented by mild ear pain and fever <39 C (102.2 F) in the past 24 hours. Severe illness is defined as moderate to severe otalgia (ear pain) or any ear pain for at least 48 hours or fever 39 C. These 2013 guidelines are current. If antibiotics are initiated, amoxicillin is usually recommended as the first line treatment. This is usually prescribed for 10 days. Some children do not respond within the first 48-72 hours of treatment, and antibiotic therapy may have to be changed. Even after antibiotic treatment, some children are left with some fluid in the middle ear, which can cause temporary hearing loss lasting for up to 3 to 6 weeks. In most children, this fluid eventually disappears spontaneously (on its own). Ceftriaxone (50mg/kg/d) injection is recommended for children who cannot take oral antibiotics; three days of this antibiotic is usually more effective than a single injection. Children who have recurring bouts of otitis media may be referred to an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist or ENT). Some of these children may benefit from having an ear tube placed (tympanostomy tube) to permit fluid to drain from the middle ear. In addition, if a child has a bulging eardrum and is experiencing severe pain, a procedure to lance the eardrum (myringotomy) may be recommended to release the pus. The eardrum usually heals within a week. Prophylactic antibiotic therapy has not been shown to decrease the frequency of ear infections in those children with recurrent AOM. Although treatment may cure an ear infection, it is possible for the ear to become re-infected. How is chronic middle ear infection or inflammation treated? Initially, antibiotics may resolve the ear infection. If a tympanic membrane perforation also is present, topical antibiotic drops may be used. If eardrum or ossicle scarring has occurred, that will not be reversed with antibiotics alone. Surgery often is indicated to repair the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and remove the infected tissue and scar from the middle ear and the mastoid bone. Long-term prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended. What are the goals of chronic otitis media surgery? Readers Comments 2 Share Your Story The goals of surgery are to first remove all of the infected tissue so that it can be "safe" from recurrent infections. The second goal is to recreate a middle ear space with an intact eardrum. Finally, hearing is to be restored. This may seem strange that hearing is the last priority, but if the first two priorities are not met, anything that is done to improve hearing will ultimately fail. If hearing is restored, but the infection returns, the hearing will be lost again. Likewise, if hearing is restored, but the middle ear space is not recreated, the eardrum will re-stick to the middle ear or the ossicles. Are there any home remedies for acute middle ear infection? Share Your Story There are a number of suggested home remedies for the treatment of ear infections, including humidified air, homeopathic treatments, naturopathic ear drops, decongestants, and antihistamines. However, there are limited studies suggesting the benefits of these measures over accepted and recommended treatments. Both oral and topical analgesics are effective in controlling the pain associated with ear infections, but the use of decongestants or antihistamines has not been demonstrated to improve symptoms or speed the resolution of acute otitis media. What limitations are there on a child with middle ear infection or inflammation? Otitis media is not contagious (although the initial cold that caused it may be). A child with otitis media can travel by airplane but, if the Eustachian tube is not working well, the pressure change as the plane descends may cause the child pain. It is best not to fly (or swim) with a draining ear. You should always consult your doctor if you have specific concerns. Can otitis media (middle ear infection or inflammation) be prevented? Share Your Story Currently, the best way to prevent acute otitis media is to assure a child is vaccinated. Ensuring that your child receives an annual flu vaccine and is up to date with his/her pneumococcal vaccine is the best way to prevent the most common causes of middle ear infections (otitis media). In addition, both early and sustained breastfeeding (for at least 6 months) and avoidance of tobacco smoke exposure have been shown to be related to fewer ear infections. Recent studies suggest that Xylitol-based gum or lozenges may have a preventive impact on acute otitis media. Unfortunately, it cannot be used in young children, and must be used 3-5 times a day during the cold and flu season to be effective. Health Solutions From Our Sponsors Penis Curved When Erect The Turning Point Tired of Psoriasis? Pediatric Hospital 101 Dupuytren’s Treatment Answers for Infant Reflux Medically Reviewed on 10/22/2019 References (04/06/2020) https://www.medicinenet.com/ear_infection/article.htm
  • NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information - Acute Otitis Media (04/06/2020) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470332/
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